
Friday, December 16, 2011


Tuesday, January 3

Lecture: The End of the Civil War

Wednesday, January 4

Video:  The Presidents:  Pierce through Lincoln

Chapter 16 Reading Guide due tomorrow!

Thursday, January 5

Lecture:  Reconstruction, Part 1

Friday, January 6

Lecture:  Reconstruction, Part 2

Monday, January 9

Wrap up Unit.

Tuesday, January 10

Test:  Unit 5

Homework:  The West Reading Guide (Chapter 17+) Due Friday.

Wednesday, January 11

Test Groups

Thursday, January 12

Native America, Part 1

Friday, January 13

Native America, Part 2

Finals next week!

Monday, December 12, 2011


Monday, December 12

Lecture:  The Emergence of Lincoln and the Election of 1860

Homework:  Start reading the Amsco Book, pages 265-288.  Complete the reading guide for Friday. Note:  You will also need to use your American Nation textbook as well.

Tuesday, December 13  BRING AMSCO BOOK TODAY

Work day.  Bring your AMSCO book.  You will have the period to work on the reading guide.

Wednesday, December 14

Lecture:  Civil War, Part 1

Thursday, December 15

Lecture:  Civil War, Part 2

Civil War Reading Guide due tomorrow.

Friday, December 16

Lecture:  Civil War, Part 3

Over break, you will need to complete the Reconstruction Reading Guide.  Your Unit Test will be within the week we come back  (Friday?).

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Schedule December 5-9

Monday, December 5

Lecture:  Slavery and Abolition

Read Chapters 13 and 14.  Complete Reading Guide for Friday.

Tuesday, December 6  Bring Book Today

1.  Finish lecture if necessary.
2.  Today will be a work day.  This reading guide is long, so I want to give you some time in class to work on it.

Wednesday, December 7

Writing a DBQ:  How to use documents in writing.

Today, we will examine a DBQ for the reform movements of the 1820s-1840s.  You will analyze the documents and then formulate a thesis based on the question.  On Friday, you will be assigned a DBQ essay. It will be due on Monday.

Thursday, December 8

Lecture:  The Road to War:  The 1850s, Part 1

Reading guide due tomorrow!

Friday, December 9

Lecture:  The Road to War:  The 1850s, Part 2

Over the weekend, you will be writing a DBQ based on the what we have been discussing regarding the 1850s.  Next Monday, you will get a reading guide for Chapter 15 that will be due later in the week.  A quiz over Chapters 13, 14 and 15 will also be next week.  Over break, you will be reading Chapter 16 and completing the reading guide.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

AMSCO answers for Unit 4

7)         The Age of Jefferson, 1800-1816 (pages 134-135)
            1. E   2. D   3. B   4. C   5. A   6. C   7. D   8. C   9. A   10. D
8)        Nationalism and Economic Development (pages 157-159)
            1. C   2. E   3. C   4. B   5. A   6. C   7. E   8. C   9. C   10. E
9)         Sectionalism (pages 178-179)
            1. D   2. E   3. A   4. D   5. D   6. E   7. E   8. A   9. C   10. A
10)       The Age of Jackson, 1824-1844 (pages 194-196)
            1. C   2. D   3. B   4. A   5. B   6. C   7. D   8. A   9. E   10. B
12)       Territorial and  Economic Expansion, 1830-1860 (pages 233-234)
            1. D   2. B   3. D   4. C   5. A   6. A   7. C   8. A   9. C   10. D

Monday, November 28, 2011

Schedule November 30-December 2

Monday, November 28

Lecture:  Manifest Destiny

Tuesday, November 29

Writing Skills:  The Essay Body

You will be turning in your Unit 1 essay again for a grade on the body.  Attach a rubric to the essay when you turn it in.  If you want to have your intro graded again, attach that rubric to it as well.  This is due on Monday, December 4

Wednesday, November 30

Test:  Unit 4

Take-home essay due tomorrow

Thursday, December 1

Test Corrections in Groups

Homework:  Read Chapter 10.  Complete Reading Guide for Monday

Friday, December 2

Lecture:  The Age of Reform

Reading guide due Monday.

Looking ahead:  Over the next two weeks we will be completing Chapters 10, 13, and 14.  You will have a DBQ essay during this time and a quiz over Chapters 13 and 14 before Winter Break.  When we come back from Winter Break, we will complete Chapter 15 and have a Unit 5 Test.  Before the final exam, we will have our 2nd Terms Test (75 questions this time).  We will end the semester with Chapter 17.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Monday, November 14

Lecture: Andrew Jackson, Part 1 (download the Powerpoint slides here)

Reading guide for Chapter 9 due tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 15

Lecture:  Andrew Jackson, Part 2

Read, "Andrew Jackson: Flamboyant Hero of the Common Man."  Complete article analysis sheet for Friday.  There will be a question about this article on Friday's quiz.

Wednesday, November 16

Lecture:  Andrew Jackson, Part 3

Thursday, November 17

Finish Up Andrew Jackson.  Discuss Editorial Cartoons.

Friday, November 18

Quiz:  Chapters 7 & 9

Study for Terms Test.  Terms Test on TUESDAY.

Monday, November 21

Video:  The Presidents:  Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk

Tuesday, November 22

Terms Test #1.  50 questions.  Fill in the blank.  Units 1-4.  (Chapters 1-9, 11)

Read Chapter 12.  Complete reading guide for Monday, November 29.

Wednesday, November 23

Lecture:  Manifest Destiny

Unit 4 Test on Wednesday, November 30.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Monday, November 7

Lecture, War of 1812--part 2

Reading guide Chapter 7 due tomorrow

Tuesday, November 8

Starting today, weekly review sessions of concepts and vocabulary will begin in room 209.  If you are having problems with some ideas or questions, you can attend.  A teacher will be there to help you with the information.  This will be available every Tuesday morning starting at 6:45 am.

Lecture:  The Era of Good Feelings

Start reading Chapter 9.  Complete Reading Guide for next Tuesday, November 15

Wednesday, November 9

1.  Video:  The Presidents (Madison, Monroe and Adams)
2.  Lecture:  The Election of 1828

Thursday, November 10

Lecture:  Andrew Jackson, part 1 (You can download a handout of the powerpoint slides here)

Complete Chapter 9 reading guide for Tuesday!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Schedule November 1-4

Tuesday, November 1

1. Practice ACT reading
2.  Go over Ch 5 and Ch 6 Quiz

Chapter 8 & 11 reading guide due tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 2

Test:  Unit 3

Start reading Chapter 7.  Complete reading guide for Tuesday.

Thursday, November 3

Test corrections by groups

Friday, November 3

Lecture:  The War of 1812, part 1

Reading guide due Tuesday.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

AMSCO book answers for Unit 3

5)         The American Revolution and Confederation, 1775-1787 (pages 89-90)
            1. E   2. A   3. C   4. C   5. D   6. A   7. A   8. A   9. D   10. C
6)         The Constitution and the New Republic, 1787-1800 (pages 114-115)
            1. A   2. B   3. E   4. C   5. B   6. D  7. B   8. C   9. D   10. D
7)         The Age of Jefferson, 1800-1816 (pages 134-135)
            1. E   2. D   3. B   4. C   5. A   6. C   7. D   8. C   9. A   10. D
8)        Nationalism and Economic Development (pages 157-159)
            1. C   2. E   3. C   4. B   5. A   6. C   7. E   8. C   9. C   10. E
11)       Society, Culture, and Reform, 1820-1860 (pages 213-215)
            1. D   2. B   3. E   4. D   5. A   6. C   7. E   8. B   9. C   10. E

Monday, October 24, 2011


Monday, October 24

Work on Chapter 8 & 11 Reading Guide in class.  Due on Friday.

Tuesday, October 25

Video:  How the States Got Their Shape:  Plains, Trains and Automobiles  (The link will take you to part 1 of 3 of the video on Youtube)

Wednesday, October 26

Lecture:  The Early Industrial Revolution in America

Thursday, October 27

Writing day!  Body of Essay

Friday, October 28

Test:  Unit 3

Begin reading Chapter 7. Complete reading guide for Thursday.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Monday, October 17

Lecture:  The Election of 1800

Tuesday, October 18

Meet in PRODUCTION LAB.  You will be meeting with counselors this period.

Wednesday, October 19

Lecture:  The Administration of Thomas Jefferson

Finish Ch 6 reading guide.  Quiz over Chapter 6 tomorrow.

Thursday, October 20

Quiz:  Chapter 6

Friday, October 21

Introduction to Social History:  "The Secret Life of a Developing Country"  You will be reading segments of an article in class, then summarizing for the class the point of the segment.

Start reading Chapters 8 and 11.  Complete reading guide for Wednesday.  Test over the unit 3 next THURSDAY.  (You will have a work day on Monday; so bring your book).

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Greatness of George Washington

For Friday, you need to read the article by Gordon Wood, "The Greatness of George Washington."  You can read it online or via the handout in class.  For the discussion (or quiz) you should be able to answer the following questions:

1. In what ways was Washington “deified” in his own lifetime?
2. Gordon Wood describes Washington as the “only truly classical hero we have ever had.” What does he mean by this? What is a “classical hero?” Give examples.
3. Wood admits that Washington was not an intellectual, but a “man of affairs.” What did he mean by this? Give examples.
4. What was “Mount Vernon?”
5. He was not an intellectual nor was he a traditional military hero. According to Wood, where did Washington’s greatness lay?
6. To Washington, what did it mean to be a “man of virtue?” Give examples from the text in regard to Washington’s behavior.
7. What was “Washington’s Enlightenment?”
8. What major “moral mark” did Washington make in the political world?
9. What two decisions did Washington have to make in his life that caused him the most distress? Why?
10. According to Wood, what is the significance of Washington attending the Constitutional Convention in 1787?
11. What were Washington’s “levees?’
12. What two “crucial precedents” did Washington establish as president? Explain their significance.
13. Why were Washington’s final years of retirement not happy ones? Explain.
14. In one sentence, summarize the author’s argument. In other words, what is it that Wood set out to prove in the article?
15. Identify the evidence Wood uses for his argument.
16. Critique Wood’s argument. How effective is Wood’s argument? What questions does he leave unanswered? What challenges can be made to his thesis? Etc.


Tuesday, October 11

Lecture:  Washington's Administration

Reading guide, Chapter 5 part 2 due tomorrow

Wednesday, October 12

Lecture:  The Adams Administration

Read article, "The Greatness of George Washington" for Friday

Thursday, October 13

1.  Quiz:  Chapter 5
2.  Lecture:  The Election of 1800

Read Chapter 6.  Complete reading guide for Wednesday.  This reading guide is different than past guides.  It is an outline of the chapter.  Expect a quiz over chapter 6 on Wednesday of next week.  You will be able to use your outline.  So complete it well.  The quiz will count as your reading guide grade.  I will not be collecting it.

Friday, October 14

1.  Quiz/Discussion over Greatness of George Washington
2.  Lecture:  Administration of Thomas Jefferson

Reading guide due on Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Constitution & Ratification Powerpoint

Here are the powerpoint slides for the Constitution and Ratification lecture.

Click here to download.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Monday, October 3

1.  Go over Chapter 3 Quiz
2.  Lecture:  Articles of Confederation

Test tomorrow over Unit 2!

Tuesday, October 4

Test:  Unit 2

Read p. 141-151.  Complete Reading Guide for Chapter 5, Part 1 for Friday.

Wednesday, October 5

Lecture:  The Constitutional Convention

Thursday, October 6

Video:  Making a Constitution

Reading Guide due tomorrow.

Friday, October 7

Lecture:  Ratification of the Constitution

Read, p. 151-167.  Complete Reading Guide for Chapter 5, part 2.  Due on Thursday.

Quiz next Friday over Chapter 5.  


Here are the answers for Chapters 4 & 5 of the AMSCO book.

4)         Imperial Wars and Colonial Protest, 1754-1775 (pages 70-71)
            1. E   2. E   3. B   4. C   5. D   6. C   7. B   8. C   9. E   10. A
5)         The American Revolution and Confederation, 1775-1787 (pages 89-90)
            1. E   2. A   3. C   4. C   5. D   6. A   7. A   8. A   9. D   10. C

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yale University Lecture on the Revolution

Here's an interesting lecture giving by Dr. Joanne Freeman from Yale University.  The title of the lecture is "Freeman's Top Five Tips for Studying the Revolution."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Schedule September 26-30

Monday, September 26

1.  Finish discussing Declaration of Independence
2.  Lecture:  The American Revolution:  A Timeline

Start studying for Friday's Unit Test!

Tuesday, September 27

Lecture:  The Revolutionary War Soldier

Wednesday, September 28

Lecture:  Revolutionary War Contributions and the Meaning of Revolution

Thursday, September 29

No School.  Happy Rosh Hashanah!

Friday, September 30

Lecture:  The Historiography of the American Revolution:  What do historians say?

Test over Unit 2 on Monday!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Schedule September 19-23

Monday, September 19

Lecture:  From Taxes to Open Rebellion

Reading guide due tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 20

1.  Quiz:  Chapter 3--the quiz will be a written quiz in which you will need to define and describe the significance of items and make connections between items you read about.
2.  Lecture:  Paul Revere and the Battle of Lexington Concord

Read Chapter 4. Complete Reading Guide for Monday.  This is a big one, so make sure you do a little each night.

Wednesday, September 21

The Road to Independence, Part 1:  Common Sense.  Today you will be analyzing the Thomas Paine's Common Sense pamphlet

Thursday, September 22

The Road to Independence, part 2:  The Declaration

Homework:  Finish the activity on the Declaration of Independence for tomorrow.

Friday, September 23

Discuss Declaration of Independence.
Lecture:  The American Revolution:  Chronology

Finish Chapter 4 Reading Guide for Monday.  Test over Unit 2 next Wednesday.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Schedule September 12-16, 2011

Monday, September 12

1. Collect essays.  Discuss.
2.  Lecture:  The start of the French and Indian War

Homework:  Read p. 79-95.  Complete Chapter 3 Reading Guide, Part 1.  Due on Thursday.

Tuesday, September 13

Lecture:  The French and Indian War

Wednesday, September 14

Writing Day:  "I'd Like to Have an Argument Please"--How to make an argument

Reading guide due tomorrow.  Essay introduction due on Friday.

Thursday, September 15 (9:30 Start)

Lecture:  The Causes of the American Revolution (Print out a copy of the powerpoint here)  

Homework:  Essay introduction due tomorrow (turn in with the original essay). Also, read pages 95-108.  Complete Reading Guide Chapter 3 part 2 for Tuesday.

Friday, September 16

Activity: The Incident in Boston:  Massacre or Propaganda?  Discussion of documents.

Reading guide due on Tuesday.  Quiz over Chapter 3 on Tuesday as well.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

AMSCO Book Answers for Chapters 1-3

Here are the answers for the AMSCO practice tests for chapters 1-3.

1)         Exploration, Discovery and Settlement, 1492-1700 (pages 14-15)
            1. C   2. A   3. B   4. D   5. E   6. C   7. C   8. E   9. C   10. B
2)         The Thirteen Colonies and the British Empire, 1607-1750 (pages 36-38)
            1. A   2. E   3. C   4. D   5. D   6. E   7. B   8. C   9. B   10. C
3)         Colonial Society in the Eighteenth Century (pages 54-55)
1. C   2. E   3. A   4. B   5. D   6. E   7. A   8. D   9. C   10. D

Monday, September 5, 2011

Schedule September 6-9

Tuesday, September 6  (Bring Book Today)

Finish lecture on Colonies
"Itemize the Colonies" Activity ( Part 1, Part 2)

Wednesday, September 7  (Bring Book Today)

Finish "Itemize the Colonies" Activity

Thursday, September 8

Go over Chapter 2 Reading Guide
Discuss Unit 1 Test

Friday, September 9

Test:  Unit 1 (Multiple choice in class)
Essay  (Take home test).  You will have one essay to write over the weekend.  It will be due Monday.  It needs to be word-processed.  You will have a choice of AP Style essays dealing with colonization.

We will be starting Chapter 3 on Monday. You may begin reading p 79-95.  The Reading Guide (Chapter 3 Part 1) will be assigned Monday.  It will be due on Wednesday  (Part 2 will be assigned on Wednesday and will be due next Friday.  It is available here if you would like to get ahead).

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Schedule August 29-September 2

Monday, August 29

Lecture:  English Colonization of North America (Part 1: Virginia)  Click on link to download a copy of the powerpoint)

Tuesday, August 30

Document Discussion:  "The Starving Tyme"
Lecture:  English Colonization of North America (Part 2:  New England)  Click on the link to download the powerpoint

Chapter 1 Reading Guide due tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 31

Video:  Massacre at Mystic  (plus viewing sheet)

Read Chapter 2.  Complete Reading Guide for Tuesday.

Thursday, September 1

Finish Movie.  Discuss.
Puritan Document Analysis

Friday, September 2

1.  Go over Chapter 1 Reading Guide
2.  Lecture:  From Puritans to an American Identity  Click on the link to download the powerpoint

Chapter 2 reading guide due on Tuesday.

Test over Unit 1 next Friday.

Friday, August 19, 2011

SCHEDULE August 23-August 26

Tuesday, August 23

1.  Introduction to AP United States History
2.  Distribute Course Materials

HW:  Read, "The Pristine Myth" and complete Reading Guide for tomorrow

Wednesday, August 24

1.  Quiz over "Pristine Myth"
2.  Discuss article
3.  Lecture:  "Native America" Part 1

HW: Read Omnivore's Dilemma (Chapter 1) and complete Article Analysis for Friday.  Note:  You may have a quiz over this as well.

Thursday, August 25

Lecture:  "Native America" Part 2

Reminder:  Omnivore's Dilemma due tomorrow.

Friday, August 26

Lecture:  "The History of Corn"

HW:  Read Prologue and Chapter 1 in American Nation.  Complete reading guide for Wednesday.


This unit covers chapters 1 and 2. The test for the Unit will be on September 9.

Welcome to a New Year!

Welcome to my class blog for Advanced Placement United States History.  Here you will find everything you will need to be successful in class.  Weekly schedules will be posted, along with due dates for assignments.  In addition, all assignments are downloadable as well.  This can come in handy if you are absent or you just want to get ahead.

I look forward to this year.  See you soon.

Mr. Janu

Monday, May 2, 2011


Okay, folks.  We are in the final stretch.  I have put a link below for a short summary of the Cold War in the 1980s.  It hits all of the important points.


Also, for what it's worth, here are the specialties for the people on APUSH board:

Christine L. Heyrman:  early American social and maritime history (Univ of Delaware)
Betty A. Dessants:  Foreign policy and 20th Century US (Shippensburg Univ, PA)
Christopher J. Olsen: Antebellum and Civil War (Indiana State Univ)
Ernest F. Freeberg: Free speech and religious liberty in the U.S. (Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Presidents--watch online

The Presidents series from the history channel is great review.  Unfortunately, we are not going to have time in class to watch them.  Below you will find links for the presidents from 1945 to the present so you can watch them online.

Truman (con't), Eisenhower and Kennedy
Kennedy and LBJ
LBJ (con't) and Nixon
Nixon (con't) and Ford
Carter (con't) and Reagan
Reagan (con't) and Bush
Clinton and George W. Bush
George W. Bush

Each of the above segments is 10 minutes long.  I would really suggest watching at least Nixon Through Clinton--since we will not be covering this in class.

The other episodes are on Youtube as well.  There are 8 episodes in all, broken down into 10 minutes segments.  Here is the first segment from episode one.  You can find the rest easily.

Studying Resources

Here are some resources to help you study:

Supreme Court Cases flashcards  (Mr. Borghoff)
Art, Literature and Culture flashcards
Visual Art Flashcards

Other online resources:

1. AP U.S. History Review (29 pages. Great overview of each era)
2. 540 Things to Know (9 pages. Lists important terms and brief description)
3. Era Principles (1 page. Summarizes the main idea of each historical era)
4. Important Supreme Court Cases (2 pages. Lists cases and describes importance)
5. Political Parties (5 pages. Lists the different political parties throughout history and their ideas)
6. Presidential Doctrines (3 pages. Important presidential doctrines and their significance)
7. AP Quizzes (This site has over 50 quizzes you can take over AP-related material)
8. Giant AP Review (This 76 page review was put together by students at Horace Greeley High School in New York. )
9. APUSH Notecards (This site has several notecards that can be printed out to help you study)
10. US History Outline (This page has brief descriptions of each period in US History)

Monday, April 11, 2011


Monday, April 11

Lecture:  Intro to World War II

Tuesday, April 12

Go over last week's ACT.  Discuss answering ACT type questions.

Wednesday, April 13

Lecture:  World War II

Thursday, April 14

Lecture:  The making fo the Atomic Bomb and the beginning of the Cold War

Friday, April 15

Lecture:  The Cold War of the 1950s.

Keep up with your reading!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Deal DBQ Question

Tomorrow, we will be writing a DBQ in class.  I gave the prompt today, so that you can better prepare to write.  Tomorrow, I'll give you the documents. 

If you need a copy of the prompt, click on the link below.

DBQ New Deal Prompt

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Review Session, April 10

On Sunday, April 10 there will be a review session from 6 pm to 9 pm in room 124A.

This session will be conducted by Mr. Borghoff and will include reviews over SLAVERY, ECONOMICS and REFORM MOVEMENTS.

Enter the doors near the library. (Door 7)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Schedule April 4-8

Monday, April 4

Video:  The Presidents:  Harding, Coolidge, Hoover and FDR (With sheet)

Tuesday, April 5

Lecture:  The Great Depression and the New Deal, part 1

Wednesday, April 6

Lecture: The Great Depression and the New Deal, part 2

Thursday, April 7

1.  Lecture:  The Storm clouds gather for another world war
2.  DBQ prompt discussion

Friday, April 8

In class DBQ on the New Deal

Don't forget to be keeping up on reading!

Friday, April 1, 2011

First AP Review Session on Sunday Night!

Don't forget:  Sunday April 3 will be our first AP review session.  This session will be a writing workshop, discussing the ins and outs of DBQ writing.  We will look examine two tests and read responses.

This session will be from 6-8 on Sunday night in room 124A.

See you there!

Monday, March 28, 2011

April Reading Schedule

Have the following chapters read by the date listed:

April 1:  Chapters 25 and 26   (AMSCO Chapter 23)
April 6:  Chapter 27  (AMSCO Chapter 24)
April 11:  Chapter 28 (AMSCO Chapter 25)
April 15:  Chapter 29 (AMSCO Chapters 26-27)
April 20:  Chapter 30 (AMSCO Chapter 28)
April 26:  Chapters 31, 32, 33  (AMSCO  29-30)

First Final Exam:  April 27
Second Final Exam:  May 4

AP Test:  May 6

Schedule March 28- April 1

Welcome Back!

Monday, March 28

Lecture:  The United States enters World War I

Reading Guide for Chapter 24 due tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 29

Lecture:  The US Homefront and the End of the War

Read Chapters 25 and 26 for Friday.

Wednesday, March 30

Practice ACT Day!

Thursday, March 31

Video:  The Twentieth Century:  Boom to Bust (with sheet)

Friday, April 1

1.  Finish video
2.  Discuss economic policies that led to the crash

Read Chapter 26 for Wednesday

Monday, March 14, 2011


Monday, March 14

1.  Lecture:  Imperialism, p. 1

RG Ch 23 due on Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 15

1. Lecture:  Imperialism, p. 2

Wednesday, March 16

Meet in Black Box for Forum on Jazz and the 1920s.  This forum is important and the information taken from this forum will be much of what we do for the cultural aspects of the 1920s.

Start reading Chapter 24.  Complete reading guide.  Due the Monday we get back from break.  Also, read Chapter 25.

Thursday, March 17

1.  Lecture:  Intro to World War I

Friday, March 18

2.  Lecture:  World War I

Finish reading guide over break and read chapter 25.  Have a great break and stay out of the trees!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Monday, March 7

Lecture:  The Chicago Stockyards

Reading guide, Chapter 22 due tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 8

Lecture:  Intro to the Progressive Movement

Wednesday, March 9

Lecture:  The Progressive Presidents

Thursday, March 10

The Progressive Presidents, con't

Friday,  March 11

Test:  Unit 6

Start Reading Chapter 23.  Complete Reading Guide for Wednesday.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Monday, February 28

Lecture:  Gilded Age Politics

Bring book tomorrow.  Reading guide for Ch 21 due on Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 1

Work day.  You can work on anything you want:  Finish reading guide for Ch 21.  Start Chapter 22 reading guide.  Read, "The Wizard of Oz:  A Parable on Populism."  Questions for reading due on Friday.

Reading Guide Ch 21:  due Wednesday
"Wizard of Oz":  Reading and Questions Due Friday
Reading Guide Ch 22:  Due Tuesday

Wednesday, March 2

Meet in Blackbox.  Watch The Presidents: Hayes through McKinley

Thursday, March 3

Lecture:  Populism and the Election of 1896 (part 1)

Friday, March 4

Lecture:  Populism and the Election of 1896 (part 2)

Reading guide Chapter 22, due Tuesday.  Test over this unit next Friday.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tuesday, February 22

Video:  The Homestead Strike

RG for Chapter 19 due tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 23

Lecture:  Immigration and the City, p. 1

Read Chapter 21.  Complete Reading Guide for Tuesday

Thursday, February 24

Lecture:  Immigration and the City, p. 2

Friday, February 25

Lecture:  Gilded Age Politics

Complete Reading Guide for Tuesday

Monday, February 21, 2011

End of Online Discussion

That's all, folks.  Nice job on the discussion.  The discussions are now closed.  We will talk about the comments on Wednesday after we finish the film.  See you tomorrow.  Hope you had a good day off.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Schedule Changes

You will now have until Monday night (9 pm) to respond to the online discussion questions.

Also, your reading guide will be due on Wednesday.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Optional Discussion Question

If you have not yet had an opportunity to respond to one of the previous questions, you can respond to this one as well.  Remember:  you need to make 4 comments total.  You need to respond to two questions and then make two further comments, either to the question again or to someone's response.  Your responses don't need to be long, but must have a specific example to back up your point.

Zinn recognizes a strange dichotomy of the Gilded Age:  America's non-regulation of business enabled corporations to exploit workers and make people either very wealthy or very poor.  At the same time, however, the free-market system enabled individuals from very humble origins (ie Carnegie) to become self made millionaires.    Evaluate Zinn’s notion that “the government of the United States was behaving almost exactly as Karl Marx described a capitalist state: pretending neutrality to maintain order, but serving the interests of the rich.”

Discussion responses will be cut off Friday night at 9 pm, so make sure you respond.

Also, check to make sure your response was saved and recorded.  If it's not here, you're not getting credit.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gilded Age Discussion Question 2

Here is the Gilded Age discussion question #2.  Remember, you don't need to write much.  Make a point and support it with a detail or two.  Again, you need to make TWO responses to this question. The first response needs to be to the question itself.  The second response should be made to counter or agree (with more detail) to another student's response.

Business leaders of the late 19th century have been characterized both as greedy and unscrupulous “robber barons” and as great “captains of industry” whose entrepreneurial skills and tactics produced economic growth.  Which view do you find more persuasive?  Why?  Give specific examples.

Enjoy.  You have until Friday night to make responses to this question.  Discussion will be closed by 9 pm.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Gilded Age Discussion Question 1

Here is the first online discussion question.  For this question, you must provide TWO responses.  One response must be made to the question itself.  The other response should be made to another student's response.  Your responses  MUST be rooted in text.  That is, you must have evidence.  Your responses do not need to be long, but it might be good to formulate a response in another program and then cut and paste tot he comment box.

Consider everything you have read about the Gilded Age and big business.  Based on what you have read, was Big Business steering US politicians or were politicians steering Big Business in the period from 1890-1910?   Provide evidence to support your answer.

Click on the comment link below and be sure to use your name.  You can use your first name only, if you want.  Only rule:  be civil.

Let the discussion begin!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Monday, February 14

1.  Discuss readings

Starting tonight, discussion questions will be placed on this blog.   You will need to give responses to each question; instructions will be provided for each question.  You will have until Friday to make responses---after that, your responses will not be counted.

Tuesday, February 15

Lecture:  Corporate Personhood:  A History

Document analysis:  The Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Wednesday, February 16

Lecture:  Growth of the Labor Movement

Read Chapter 19.  Complete Reading Guide for Monday.

Thursday, February 17

Lecture: Growth of the Labor Movement (con't)

Friday, February 18

Video:  The Homestead Strike

Reading guide for Chapter 19 due on Tuesday.

Bring Book on Tuesday.  You will have a workday to begin Chapter 21.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Monday, February 7

Lecture:  Native American History, part 2

RG for Chapter 18 due on Friday

Tuesday, February 8

Lecture:  Native Americans in the 20th Century

Wednesday, February 9

Lecture:  The Gilded Age, Part 1

Thursday, February 10

Lecture:  The Gilded Age, Part 2

Friday, February 11

Robber Baron or Captain of Industry?  Read collection of documents and articles.  Start answering questions in class.  

Read Zinn, "Robber Barons and Rebels" for Monday.  Be prepared to discuss.  List of questions can be found here.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hi everyone.  This is just a friendly reminder about the terms test tomorrow.  I am pretty sure we will have school.  The terms test is still on.  Try to get to class as soon as possible and you can start it right away.

Hope everyone had a couple of nice days off.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Monday, January 31

Meet in College and Career Center
Turn in essay

Tuesday, February 1

Lecture:  Native America in the 19th Century

Wednesday, February 2

Lecture:  Native America in the 20th Century

Thursday, February 3

The American Indian Movement of the 1960s

Friday, February 4

Terms Test #4

Read Chapter 18. Complete reading guide for Friday.

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Movie About Lincoln's Assassination

New movie from Robert Redford.  It's already getting high marks for it's historical accuracy. It's coming out on April 15. Field trip? :)

Monday, January 24, 2011


Welcome to Semester 2!

Tuesday, January 25

Lecture:  Separation of Church and State in American History

HW Reading guide "The West"  Complete for next Monday, January 31.

Wednesday, January 26

1.  Reconstruction, Revisited
2.  Video:  The Presidents:  Lincoln, Johnson, Grant and Hayes

Thursday, January 27

1.  Go over Course electives for next year
2.  Reconstruction DBQ.  discuss documents and question.  DBQ due TOMORROW!

Friday, January 28

1.  Introduction to the West

Reading guide for "The West" due on Monday.  Also, on Monday we will be meeting in the College and Career Center.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I know that the last thing you want after finals is to have another test.  But terms test #4 is coming up!  The Terms Test will be during the second week of the new semester---FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4.

For the review sheet click here.

See you on Tuesday!

Monday, January 17, 2011



The keys for the reading guides have been updated.  Be sure to check your answer for Chapters 13-14 and Chapter 15.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

AMSCO KEYS for First Semester

Here are the answers for the AMSCO Book, chapters 1-15.

1)         Exploration, Discovery and Settlement, 1492-1700 (pages 14-15)
            1. C   2. A   3. B   4. D   5. E   6. C   7. C   8. E   9. C   10. B
2)         The Thirteen Colonies and the British Empire, 1607-1750 (pages 36-38)
            1. A   2. E   3. C   4. D   5. D   6. E   7. B   8. C   9. B   10. C
3)         Colonial Society in the Eighteenth Century (pages 54-55)
1. C   2. E   3. A   4. B   5. D   6. E   7. A   8. D   9. C   10. D
4)         Imperial Wars and Colonial Protest, 1754-1775 (pages 70-71)
            1. E   2. E   3. B   4. C   5. D   6. C   7. B   8. C   9. E   10. A
5)         The American Revolution and Confederation, 1775-1787 (pages 89-90)
            1. E   2. A   3. C   4. C   5. D   6. A   7. A   8. A   9. D   10. C
6)         The Constitution and the New Republic, 1787-1800 (pages 114-115)
            1. A   2. B   3. E   4. C   5. B   6. D  7. B   8. C   9. D   10. D
7)         The Age of Jefferson, 1800-1816 (pages 134-135)
            1. E   2. D   3. B   4. C   5. A   6. C   7. D   8. C   9. A   10. D
8)         Nationalism and Economic Development (pages 157-159)
            1. C   2. E   3. C   4. B   5. A   6. C   7. E   8. C   9. C   10. E
9)         Sectionalism (pages 178-179)
            1. D   2. E   3. A   4. D   5. D   6. E   7. E   8. A   9. C   10. A
10)       The Age of Jackson, 1824-1844 (pages 194-196)
            1. C   2. D   3. B   4. A   5. B   6. C   7. D   8. A   9. E   10. B
11)       Society, Culture, and Reform, 1820-1860 (pages 213-215)
            1. D   2. B   3. E   4. D   5. A   6. C   7. E   8. B   9. C   10. E
12)       Territorial and  Economic Expansion, 1830-1860 (pages 233-234)
            1. D   2. B   3. D   4. C   5. A   6. A   7. C   8. A   9. C   10. D
13)       The Union in Peril, 1848-1861 (pages 255-257)
            1. D   2. E   3. D   4. A   5. C   6. B   7. B   8. C   9. B   10. D
14)       The Civil War, 1861-1865 (pages 282-283)
            1. D   2. E   3. B   4. D   5. C   6. A   7. D   8. A   9. B   10. A
15)       Reconstruction, 1863-1877 (pages 303-305)
            1. E   2. A   3. C   4. C   5. D   6. E   7. B   8. D   9. B   10. A

Monday, January 10, 2011


Click on the link below to hear and watch the presentation about the Reform DBQ.

DBQ Video Podcast

The rewrites for all essays are due by next Tuesday.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Monday, January 10

1.  Return essays.  Discuss DBQ.
2.  Continue Civil War Lecture:  The Battle of Antietam.

Read Chapter 16.  Complete reading guide for Friday.  Essay rewrites due by next Tuesday.

Tuesday, January 11

Lecture:  The Civil War:  Gettysburg and Beyond

Wednesday, January 12

Lecture:  The end of the War and the Assassination of Lincoln

Thursday, January 13

Lecture:  Reconstruction 1

Reading Guide for Chapter 16 due tomorrow.

Friday, January 12

Lecture:  Reconstruction 2

Essay rewrites due by Tuesday!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Barnes and Noble is offering a free digital version of Kaplan's AP prep book.  It will only be available for a couple of days, so you if you want it you will need to download it as soon as possible (it will also involve making an account at Barnes and Noble).  You will also need to download their free e-reader to read it on your computer or iphone, etc.


Note:  they also are offering their other AP titles for free as well.  Do a search.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Monday, January 3

Lecture:  The Road to War:  The 1850s Part 1

Reading Guide for Chapter 14 due tomorrow.  Bring book tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 4

Start reading Chapter 15.  Start working on reading guide in class. Reading Guide due on Monday, January 10

Wednesday, January 5

Lecture:  The Road to War:  The 1850s Part 2

Thursday, January 6

Go over reform DBQ.  Start 1850s DBQ. 

DBQ due tomorrow.

Friday, January 7

Lecture:  The election of Lincoln and the Beginning of War.

Reading guide for Chapter 15 due on Monday.  Terms test next Friday.